Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Doug!

Rachelle organized a surprise birthday party for Doug at Pete and Judith's today. She quickly whispered minimal details to me yesterday after Jer and I dropped off Doug and his truck.

The party was a ton of fun. There were some people there that I don't normally spend much time with, it was great to get to know them better.

All evening Elaine was saying "lets go tobogganing." Finally at around 9:30 PM a bunch of us went out. It was so much fun! I haven't been sledding on Annie's Hill since I was a kid. There wasn't much snow, but we got in some great runs and some snowball fights. Thanks for the old snow pants Pete.

The blog thing came up this evening, Pete just started one and he was quite excited about it. I had started one devoted to the Social Climbers quite some ago, but didn't keep it up. So this is my second attempt.

Here's to friends, parties, snow, and toboggans.

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