Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dangerous and Deadly

And just what was I doing that was so deadly you may ask: I was working. Teen Night is dangerous. To start the evening off: I turned around to get a ball and tripped over Jethro. He complained about his shoulder and then forgot about it: my knees didn't fare so well. I went down hard on bunched up jeans. My knees are a pretty colour now, though :o)

Later, we decided to play glow in the dark basketball. Anthea's head met my glass which bent and met my eye. That one was painful! My eye watered for about five - ten minutes and I couldn't keep it open for more than two seconds. It was all red around it and it was about half it's size for a little while. It's mostly fine now, but my poor glasses aren't. They're usable, but not great. The plastic has been bent, at least I made them not crooked anymore.

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