Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The state of global cyber security...who knew?

I just read a thought provoking article, thanks to Wired. Apparently our international internet borders are not being protected thoroughly. As far as I can see most of the internet isn't terribly secure, but that's the price you pay to be globally connected. There's always a risk online, my dad still won't use his credit card, even for well established sites like Amazon.
This article seemed to be encouraging a cooperative system that what's already in place for law enforcement. "A priority for regulators is to find ways of tracking down criminals across borders and ensuring they are punished, a tough task when criminals can use proxy servers to remain anonymous." Pavan Duggal, Indian cyber law expert and former Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff both hinted of a large scale online catastophy: granted they were only saying that to imply that nations need to start talking now, before it's too late.
However, their visions of a cyber 9/11 got me thinking, what if it did happen, can it happen. How much do we really know about what's going on out there. I'm sure a few of you are reading this and thinking, well I know and it's not hard to find out I say good for you be informed, but the rest of us are just merrily surfing away in our own little bubbles. I don't have a credit card so I'm not too concerned about that, but I've entered my name and address a few times. I tend to worry more than necessary, but what I always come back to is this: I'm a student so I'm broke, and don't know anything terribly sensitive or important. I always figure they've got bigger fish to fry. But what if the internet were down for a long period of time, or even just down?
I think I would be okay. I would miss the unlimited knowledge at my fingertips and the instant access to design from around the world, but I would be okay. I'd probably whine along with the rest of the world, but in the end I'd get over it. I would probably do a lot more art, which I always say I want to anyway. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the internet went away for awhile. That's given me an idea.
For either two days a week or a week a month I will go internet free. With the exception of email because I get important information from my instructors. We'll see how I fare.

Read the article here

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